
Longs Peak United Methodist Church offers a variety of opportunities for adults to grow in their walk with Jesus. See what classes are going on now!

Youth & Young Adult

Longs Peak United Methodist Church has an active youth program. They meet on a weekly basis and are frequently involved in community outreach and mission activities.  The youth have many opportunities to grow  through worship, study, and action. At Longs Peak United Methodist Church, our main goal with the Young Adults is to keep them connected and to keep them grounded in their faith walks. Please contact Katie Pekarek for more information.

Children and Families

Longs Peak United Methodist Church has a variety of opportunities for children and their families. Virtual Sunday School Lessons are available on a weekly basis. Throughout the year there are a number of fellowship activities planned for children and families. Please contact Katie Pekarek for more information.


The Longs Peak United Methodist Church music program is a vital part of worship and ministry.  We offer Choir, Praise Team, A Cappella Choir, Handbell Choir, Flute Ensemble, Dixieland Gospel Band, and solo and ensemble opportunities.  If you are interested or have any questions about the music ministry, please contact Kay W. Lloyd.

United Methodist Women & United Methodist Men

Longs Peak United Methodist Church have very active United Methodist Women (UMW) and United Methodist Men (UMM) Groups.


Using media to spread the gospel is a privilege for Longs Peak United Methodist Church.  All of our weekly sermons are uploaded to our website in video format. We also maintain an active Facebook feed for additional church communication and outreach. Please contact Katie Pekarek for more information

Congregational Care

Longs Peak United Methodist Church cares deeply for those in our church, whether they are first time visitors, long-time members or somewhere in between. We support, grief resources and classes, Stephen Ministry, and so much more. Please contact Pastor Phil for more information.