Fellowship Opportunities
Our main focus with young adult Ministries is to keep a connection between the church and our college students. We offer opportunities for fellowship and study during breaks from college. We are open to adding more opportunities and finding new ways to connect with more young adults in our community and beyond; if you have a specific idea that you’d like this group to pursue, please let us know. Contact Katie Pekarek.
In the past we have led several week long young adult mission trips, as well as supported young adults in the exploration of other mission opportunities. We encourage participation in adult mission trips, as well as various other volunteer opportunities. If you are specifically interested in helping to organize a mission trip for young adults, please contact Katie Pekarek.
A vital part of keeping our young adults connected to our congregation is through notes and care packages, letting them know that they are loved and cared for by their church family. Contact Katie Pekarek if you would like to contact any of our young adults.